Thursday, November 4, 2010

Here is my article for guide Post this month. Enjoy!

The Team That’s Doing

It The Right Way



It is a new era in basketball history.  It all started a couple of years ago with the “Big Three” in Boston with K.G., Paul Pierce, and Ray Allen.  That team went on to win a title its first year together.  The next year the Lakers went out and got Pao Gasol from Memphis and immediately went on a tear to back-to-back titles.  This offseason almost every major star switched teams.  Lebron and Chris Bosh teamed up with Dwayne Wade in Miami to form the newest “Big Three”.  Carlos Boozer went to the Bulls and A’mare arrived in New York to help the Knicks. 

            Throughout all that, The Oklahoma City Thunder have developed from the draft and are one of the top teams in the league.  Loaded with talent like superstar Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook, and Jeff Green, the Thunder have become a serious contender. Just two years after a putrid record of 23-59 and just three years removed of a 20 season that led to the franchise moving form Seattle to O.K.C., the Thunder won 50 games last year and very well could win 60 this season. 

            A majority of the credit has to go to general manager Sam Presti and his crew.  The Thunder have had some of the most consistent drafts over the past three years and have a huge core of young talented players.  Only 4 of the 15 players on the roster are over the age of 27 and not a single player makes more than 6,8000,000 per year.  The fact that the Thunder are so young is very important for them because their core nucleus is still on their rookie contract which helps the small market team be able to keep all of their players.  Kevin Durant just signed a big extension this year but he took less money than some of the other big names this offseason because he wanted to stay in O.K.C. and he wanted the team to have enough money to sign the other players they need to.  There was an article in “Sports Illustrated” recently focusing on Durant but when he was asked to pose for the cover shot he said that he would only do it if his teammates were also in the shoot.  That shows just how much like a family the Thunder feel like.  The Thunder players are with each other almost 24/7 and feel a great pride in all being so close. 

            It is very refreshing to see a team built like the Thunder in an age of free agency and mega-contracts.  Hopefully the Thunder stay together for many years to come as they are one of the most enjoyable team to watch in the N.B.A.