Thursday, July 8, 2010

LeBron Special Live Blog

Ryan: In all of my life, I have never seen anything quite like tonight's "The Decision" on ESPN. All of the sports fans in Chicago, New York, Cleveland, and Miami (and every other city) will be glued to their televisions as LeBron James announces where he will be playing basketball for at least the next 5 years. Most individuals would just let an agreed upon contract leak to the press, but not The King. Except for possibly Kobe Bryant, LBJ is the most well known player in the NBA, and he is taking advantage of that to the fullest tonight by hosting a 1 hour long special TV program featuring interviews, the decision, and who knows what else. All of the LeBron hoopla ends tonight, and I will be coming to you live with thoughts, comments, and very strong opinions, starting...NOW!

7:26- Just a little early, I know, but this is too ridiculous for me, I have to write about it. LeBron is so selfish for doing this its unreal. Remember how Wade and Bosh quietly announced that they were going to play together just yesterday? And how Kevin Durant used Twitter to announce his contract extension, not some ridiculous television special? This guy is so full of himself, I don't think he can help himself. ESPN knows people want to watch this, which unfortunately is true, and they keep showing camera shots of the currently empty room that LBJ is going to speak in. This is such a circus, I want it to be 10 already!

7:30- My sources tell me LeBron is signing with Maccabi Tel Aviv.

7:40- Anyone else realize that this got more attention than the World Cup, Wimbledon, and the MLB all put together? That's such a shame...I would never succumb to LeBron's shenanigans and spend 3 hours of my life writing a live blog about it...

7:45- LeBron's not even in his prime yet, why does ESPN have a segment entitled "Looking Back on LeBron" on SportsCenter...and OMG LeBron arrived at the Boys and Girls Club in Connecticut!! ESPN couldn't get a plate on the car what does that mean!?!? Oh wait he's not at the Boys and Girls Club, just some house, does that mean he's going to the Bulls? He's wearing sunglasses, that means he's going to the Knicks right? Ugh...

7:58- 1 HOUR UNTIL IT STARTS!!! More importantly...2 HOURS UNTIL IT'S OVER!!!

8:00- "LEBRON JAMES, WITH NO REGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE" is still the best basketball quote ever. Nothing beats it. Nothing can.

8:10- Chris Broussard has reported that LeBron was favoring the Knicks, the Bulls, the Cavs, and the Heat at seperate times. I honestly can't believe that this Heat report is anything but the most recent "source". These reporters have been witch-hunting for weeks now, and I wonder how much of it is made up. Bill Simmons semi-accused Stephen A. Smith of making up a report about the Big Three going to Miami last week, and whether or not that is true, at least a few of these reports must be made up by either the "sources" or the reporters themselves.

Jason: I have to give my take on LeBronathon/LeBronocalypse because this is just too funny. I don't think I have ever seen a more egotistical maniac in the history of sports, and thats including T.O.

I think the ballsiest choice forLeBron would be the Knicks. He would be attempting to save basketball in New York. Winning one title for the Knicks will bring him more popularity than winning three titles with any other team. Also, if LeBron really wants to build his brand, which he clearly does based upon his new twitter account and website, than New York has to be his choice.

The choice that would show he truly cares most about winning now would be the Bulls. I think the Bulls have the most pieces in place to be a title contender for years to come. Joakim Noah is a beast on the boards and on defense. Also Derrick Rose has the ability to become one of the best point guards in the NBA and he is only 23 years old.

The safe choice would be the Heat. He would be going into a situation with Wade and Bosh where they could create a dynasty. I think that going to Miami would be a bad move for LeBron for a few reasons. First, he wouldn't be as big a star in Miami, it is after all Wade County. Also, even if he wins a few titles he still won't be considered one of the greats because he needed so much help. M.J. and Kobe built their teams but LeBron would be considered weak for having to play with another superstar and Chris Bosh (nowhere near the same level).

The choice good for the NBA would be if he stayed in Cleveland and tried to finish what he started. Leaving Cleveland would make him a villain, especially if he announced he was leaving on national TV. Leaving his home town has been compared to a nuclear bomb being dropped on the city. "The Leave" would be worse than the shot, fumble, and 1997 World Series, but not as bad as the drive or the departure of the original Browns. The Browns left more than 10 years ago and their owner still hasn't been welcomed back. If LeBron leaves his home town he will become the most hated person is Cleveland sports and never be welcomed back.

It's allot to digest but thats what could happen in just about half an hour in Connecticut. Speaking of the site of "The Decision", many of the kids at the Boys and Girls club in Connecticut are Knicks fans and have hung a sign saying, " Welcome LeBron... Please choose New York." We will know in just a few minutes what he chooses and how the NBA will be shaped for the next Decade.

Ryan: Great points, I actually agree with you this time. Don't get used to it. Anyway I'm back.

9:00- HERE WE GO!

9:03- Wiblon, Broussard, Barry, and Stuart Scott are all discussing it now...isn't it supposed to start? Where's the Drama King of the Hour...WE WANT LEBRON

9:06- Nice shirt LeBron. Purple is the color of the Kings...Sacramento?

9:12- If LBJ goes to the Bulls or the Knicks, the Eastern Conference will seize the throne of the best of the two Conferences. The Heat, Celtics, Magic, Bulls (without LBJ or with LBJ), and the Knicks (only with LBJ) would all have the talent to compete with the Lakers and the other Western Conference powers. This decision has such far reaching impacts, lets see what happens.

9:22- This is more intense than I thought it would be I'm so nervous...I've never seen this reporter before this is quite an opportunity for him. Mazeltov.

9:28- Some free agent just signed with the Heat.

9:28- This team is going to be so much fun to watch I can't wait. There has never, and will never be as large of a media circus as their will be in South Beach now that LBJ, Dwyane Wade, and CB4 are all in town. I think this was the safest move for LeBron, and the right move for him individually.

9:33- Poor Cleveland. They can never catch a break. But blame it on Dan Gilbert for not signing anyone to bolster the roster, and just seemingly assuming LBJ would fall into his lap. My heart goes out to the fans though. They didn't deserve this.

9:35- How will this team play ball together? Is every Heat game going to be similar to the All-Star Game? Food for thought: I can't wait until the Christmas Day special Heat vs. Lakers, where Bosh, LeBron, Wade, Chalmers, and some unimportant scrub play against the defending champs. The expectations for one team have never been higher than they are right now for Miami, but can the Heat even get out of the East? Can they win the Division?

9:37- I just realized, the Heat play in the Magic's division. This is unfortunate. Hawks, Magic, Heat. All in one division. Wow.

9:43- Alright, its over. No more LeBron drama. The stage is set for an epic trio of players that have only played together for the Redeem Team in 2008 attempting to wrench the NBA title from the L.A. Lakers. More comments to come, but the live blog is over. Thanks so much, I'm out.

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